Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Ongoing Weightloss Journey

" The only thing in the world we can change is ourselves and that makes all the difference in the world." So many times we make a vow or commitment to change, but then become bombarded by outside stimuli. We become consumed with making the world and people around us happy, putting ourselves last on the priority list. We procrastinate, making lifestyle changes until we ourselves are confronted by our own health crisis. I too was guilty. Then I was forced to deal with my own major medical crisis.
My story continues to unfold as I continue to assess and evaluate my weight issues. Prior to my breaking my ankle my weight hovered between 200-210lbs. After, my accident my weight toppled to about 220lbs. I was bedridden for about 6 weeks and advised to remain in bed i.e. no weight bearing. Determined to make the best out of this health crisis, I filled my time with eating, eating and more eating. Often times, I laid in bed bargaining with God i.e. making promises to never take my legs or walking for granted. I lacked having family around to provide me with the 24 hour care needed. I was forced to become more creative, selfish and self reliant. I quickly adapted to my current plight in life and learned strategies to get me up and down the steps. My resilency, positive attitude and determination was critical in my speedy recovery process.
The question now becomes can I transfer these same qualities: determination, perserverance and selfishness to aid me in my weight loss journey. I know the above mentioned quailites will be helpful in getting me through the tough times and inspiring me to reach my goals. This is a remarkable journey and I look forward to the process.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Love Affair With Food

Thanks for tuning in to my own personal journey and challenge of weight loss. The last few weeks have certainly posed some challenges. However, I remain optimistic and motivated about the new changes. I attribute the Bootcamp with giving me the support, and courage needed to face my "personal truths." My trainer Lamail is magnificient. He provides us with hope, optimism and real truth.

My story continues to evolve, as I disclose the truth about getting to my heaviest weight . You see I had a love affair with food. It became my lover, my best friend, and my confidant. The one thing I never had to worry about was food rejecting, disappointing or abandoning me. Food was consistent and I didn't have to worry about receiving broken promises. As a matter of fact food became my substitute for many relationships. So many times I would wake up in the middle of the night and gorge my face with food not out of hunger but for comfort. Food comforted me and took the pain away.

I've come to the conclusion I have to take care of myself i.e. health by any means necessary. This is where I allow self preservation to take over and assist me with making the changes

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My Starting Point

The New Year brings about new hopes, new desires and unlimited promises of change. We vow to ourselves for once and for all, we are going to shed unwanted pounds and get healthy. We're determined to change our relationship with food and promise to decrease unwanted calories. However, we fail to create a plan for success. This means we have to map out how we get to our goal and get real about our starting point. We must evaluate our personal truths meaning what do we believe about orselves. We often mask our "personal truths" pain and sorrow by allowing food to comfort us.

Therefore, I too am embarking upon my own personal journey of weight loss and struggles. I recognize this is the fight of my life to prevent diabetes, hypertention and other health related diseases caused by obesity. I feel like a frantic animal going in circles trying to figure out what works, what's effective and what is going to get me to my desired goal. You know I'm notorious
for trying everything for the desired results. However, I must get honest with myself and acknowledge none or working.

So now I'm beginning to realize there's no magic pill but hard work , determination, nutrition exercise and a few tears along the way. I'm ecstatic about joining the Xtreme Makeover Boot Camp. I need to just follow the program and relinquish my internal locust
of control. So stay tuned .